IA Solutions Architect
2023 Self-IntructedOpenAI Services, Microsoft Azure Studio, AWS AI Solutions, etc.
App Development
2018 self-instructedFlutter, AWS, Node.js, MySql.
Project analysis and management
2017 self-instructedWeb Development
2008 self-instructedJavascript, Php, MySql, CSS.
Advanced Programming Technician
2007 Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN - Córdoba, Argentina)Mauris magna sapien, pharetra consectetur fringilla vitae, interdum sed tortor.
AI Solutions Architect
Feb.2024 - Current Globalia - AirEuropa AirlineIn my current focus as an AI Solutions Architect, my work centers on implementing artificial intelligence solutions that transform and enhance our clients' processes and services. My goal is to demystify technical complexity and align it with business objectives, promoting innovation and the adoption of emerging technologies.
Frontend Team Leader
Dic.2017 - Feb.2024 Globalia - AirEuropa AirlineDefinition of project tasks and requirements. Team management. 3erd party integrations (Amadeus, Ensighten, Akamai, AWS, etc). Process definition and documentation. New tools implementations.
Assoc. & Project Manager
Jun. 2015 – Current Plaiout S.A.Definition of project tasks and requirements. Team management. CEO.
Backend Developer
Jun. 2010 – Sept. 2015 Globalia - AirEuropa AirlineBackend development (CSS, HTML, XML, Javascript, Java, Oracle SQL)
Assoc. & Web Team Leader
Jul. 2007 – Mar. 2012 AgencisWeb project manager. Definition of project tasks and requirements. Team management.
Assoc. & Web Developer
Mar. 2005 – Jul. 2007 Dweb DevelopmentsWeb Development (HTML, PHP, MYSQL, ASP)